Sisterhood. Affection. Freedom. Equity.

S.A.F.E Club

A non-profit organization made to help women feel safe and empowered through opportunities in STEM and discussions of important societal problems. In monthly meetings, S.A.F.E meets with women leaders or discusses important societal issues concerning women, allowing a safe space for women to freely speak their minds.

  • S.A.F.E club builds a community of women who can uplift, empower, and encourage each other.

  • In a harsh world, S.A.F.E allows you to take some time to unwind and be surrounded by people who care for you.

  • By giving women the floor to speak their minds and be introduced to leadership and STEM opportunities, S.A.F.E provides freedom from societal restrictions.

  • In 2023 women make up only 28% of the STEM workplace. This is due to a lack of representation and lack of opportunities. S.A.F.E provides equity by connecting women leaders to young women, introducing them to STEM fields, and providing them with opportunities.

Meaning Behind The Acronym

How is S.A.F.E empowering women and making a change?

About S.A.F.E

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“My goal is to communicate and educate young women to teach them about what their opportunities are in the future and how to educate themselves and so I use my leadership position to make sure that I'm engaging women to advocate for themselves.”

— Josie Brown PHD., Dean of the School of Art and Sciences at Point Park University

You can make a change too. Help and join the movement today.

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